Special Bred Female/Pairs/Bulls

Tuesday, November 19th @12:30PM

  • 60 Fancy Blk Ang. 1st Calf Hfrs, Western origin, 1100#, mated LBW Woodhill Ang. Bulls, due 3/1 for 30 days, all pre-breeding shots including 1st scour guard
  • 30 Red Ang. 1st Calf Hfrs, 1100#, One Iron from Crump Ranch SD, AI'd Red Ang, cleaned up with Osage Red Ang. sons, due 3/15 for 45 days, 50 years of AI breeding, gentle set
  • 20 Red Ang. 1st Calf Hfrs, mated LBW Radakovich Red Ang Bulls, due end of Feb/1st of Mar
  • 15 F1 Bwf Hfrs, 1075#, Kansas origin, mated LBW Ang., due 2/10 for 20 days, ultrasound data, running out, hfrs our of AngX Cows & Holden Herf. bulls
  • 12 Red Sim/Ang 1st Calf Hfrs, AI'd No Worries (Red Ang.), cleaned up w/ Red Sim/Ang Bulls, due 2/10, ultrasound data available
  • 12 Blk Ang 1st Calf Hfrs, mated LBW Blk Radakovich Ang Bulls, due end of Feb/1st of Mar.
  • 9 Blk Ang. 1st Calf Hfrs, mated Ron Siebrecht Ang. Bulls, due 3/15 for 65 days
  • 6 Ang. 1st Calf Hfrs, AI'd Leachman Bull, cleaned up w/ SAV Rainfall, due 2/22
  • 50 Blk Cows, 2nd-4th clvers, mated Blk Sim bulls, due 3/10 for 65 days
    • 20 Red Cows, 2nd-4th clvers, mated Blk Sim bulls, due 3/10 for 65 days
  • Dispersal 40 Blk Cows, 4-8 yrs old, mated Blk Sim, due 3/15
  • 35 Blk 2nd Clvers, Western origin as clvs, mated Upstream Herf. Bulls, due 2/1 for 30 days, ultrasound data, running stalks, all shots & mineral program, hot wire broke, great disposition - VIDEO BELOW -

  • 35 Fancy Blk Cows, 2nd-3rd clvers, MT origin, mated Ang., due 3/1 for 60 days
  • 25 Most. Blk Pairs, 3-4 yrs old, 250-300# Jul/Aug clvs at side, cows exposed back to Blk Sim Bull
  • 20 Stout Blk Cows, 5-6 yrs old, mated Ang., clving now
  • 16 Blk Cows, 3-6 yrs old, mated Blk LBW Bull, due Jan/Feb, running stalks, hot wore broke, gentle set
  • 9 Blk Ang. 2nd Calf Hfrs, mated Ang., due end of Feb/1st of Mar
  • 5 Blk Cows, young, 200# clvs at side
  • 5 Blk Pair, 1 month old clvs at side, cows not exposed
  • 1 Longhorn Cow, 3-4 yrs old, mated Longhorn, gentle - PICTURED BELOW -

  • 1 3yr Old PB Ang., 78# BW, son of I-Bull
  • 1 Coming 2yr Old Ang, Oneill Breeding

Auction will be broadcasted at www.cattleusa.com

Please go online to register for buyer number prior to auction date.